Children and Young People’s Mental Health Webinar – 4th February at 7pm

This webinar on ‘Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health’ will aim to give parents and carers a brief overview of the current situation relating to the mental health of young people including some of the likely contributory factors, before equipping them with lots of information about the resources we have available in Hertfordshire to help us meet any mental health needs arising in our young people. It is important to highlight that many of the resources that will be discussed can be accessed without any professional input.

Invites have been sent to patients aged 11-16 on 16th January and 28th January via text message, the text will include the link to sign up via event brite –  bit.ly/4jki7xk

Quote / Testimonial:

Welcome to Harvey Group Practice

We hope our website will provide clear and concise help and give you the information you require in an easy and convenient format. It has been designed with our patient’s needs at the forefront of everything, from checking surgery times to letting us know what you think of us.

Serving You

Our dedicated team is equipped to assist with minor ailments and offer customized care for chronic conditions. We provide comprehensive clinics catering to a range of healthcare needs. Moreover, our advanced technology enables you to conveniently carry out various tasks from the convenience of your own home, such as requesting a repeat prescription.

Partners in Care

Once registered, patients and healthcare professionals work together to ensure the most appropriate care is provided. This partnership philosophy extends even further and our active patient group exists to make sure that patient needs and the practice offering are always heading in the same direction.