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We have added a new section to our website to act as a reference for COVID 19 vaccination programme. 
Please see the area through the Self Help area on our website.

Due to COVID at the present time we are not providing Travel Vaccinations on site and doing very limited ear syringing.

The following information is being added to the COVID-19 vaccination question and answer section on the Healthier Future website You may wish to use this to answer any queries that you receive directly from patients.

Question: Does the Oxford Astrazeneca vaccine cause blood clots?

Answer: Blood clots can occur naturally and are not uncommon. Reports of blood clots received so far are not greater than the number that we would normally expect to see amongst the groups of the population who have been vaccinated. People should still go and get their COVID-19 vaccine when asked to do so.

More than 11 million doses of the Astrazeneca vaccine have now been administered across the UK. Vaccine safety is of paramount importance and the regulatory agency, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) continually monitors the safety of vaccines in the UK.  

For more information and a statement from the MHRA, see this link.

Non-urgent advice: Scam Alert

New Covid vaccination phishing email

Further to warnings shared previously, we’ve been made aware of a new phishing email scam which has landed in many people’s inboxes in the last 24 hours. The email is designed to appear as if it is from the NHS and asks the recipient to follow a link to book their vaccination which involves filling out extensive personal details.

❌ If you receive an email like this, DO NOT click on any links and delete it straightaway.

Details here on how you will be contacted by the NHS for your vaccination:…/coronavirus…/how-you-will-be-contacted/

Scammers are relentless in their quest to try and trick people out of their money so let’s make sure they are unsuccessful by telling as many people about this new scam as possible. #CoronavirusFrauds


Long Covid

We are aware of patients who have prolonged symptoms post suffering from COVID-19. We have been recommended to advise these patients to consider using this link for support and guidance. please let us know if you find this useful so that we can support others in this area.

We understand our patients might be confused about the track and trace system. One of our GP colleagues has written a very useful guide which we hope might help.